Reverbnation - A Promotional Music Site for the Independent Musician

Posted: Monday, June 21, 2010 by •»¶hê ƒRëq»•-)•–––– in

If you've not heard of Reverbnation, it is a free website that independent artists can use to help promote and sell their own music. I've been a member for years and it gets better all the time. Reverbnation offers free space to upload your songs with a free player for people to use. No installation. Just click the song and it plays. . You also get space for videos, photos and graphics PLUS you can customize your site. What's even greater is that your music is showcased around the world and if that wasn't enough, your music is charted with other artists around the world. What that means is that your songs climb the music charts as you get more plays. You can listen to other music from bands every where and you can add them as friends to follow what they are doing musically. You can also post dates you or your band are playing, add a bio and the best part, use "Widgets" that will enable you to post your music on other sites like Facebook, Blogger or Myspace and so much more. Did I mention you get all of this for............"FREE"???  Lots of local bands are just beginning to see the bonuses to using Reverbnation. If you're a musician with original material, sign up now and start showcasing your music around the world. The very first song at the top of your list of songs will be the one that enters the Reverbnation charts. You can only have one song in the charts at one time but you can rotate your selection with other songs if you wish. It's simple to do. Just drag a song that you want in the charts to the top of your list and it will enter the charts by the end of the day. To go up in the charts people must play your song. Check out this great site at the link below.